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Factors to Consider Before You are Going to Register for CIS

The CIS specifies how contractors deduct money from subcontractors’ payments for contractors and subcontractors performing construction work in the UK. These deductions serve as advance payments for the subcontractor’s tax and National Insurance. Which are later given to HM Revenue and Customs.

Register for CIS

Penalties, such as increased deductions from subcontractors and fines on contractors. May be imposed if contractors or subcontractors fail to follow the proper protocol. Fortunately, the guidelines for the programme have been posted on this official website. Having said that, the offered literature is lengthy and could be challenging for certain readers to read. We have therefore developed this guide to address the key to register for CIS,  requirements and what contractors and subcontractors need to know to approach it to help.

Standards to Register for CIS

Contractors and subcontractors in the “construction work” sector are the focus of the CIS programme. However, the public’s perception of “construction work” and the CIS’s definition of the term may differ significantly. Fortunately, the CIS defines what constitutes construction work, which will be the subject of our first discussion today.

Payments to enterprises and self-employed individuals in the construction industry are subject to the Construction Industry Scheme.  By the plan, tax is subtracted from payments and sent to HMRC.

For the CIS scheme, there are two categories of people who must register with HMRC:


Starting with subcontractors.  You must register with HMRC as a subcontractor if a building contractor pays you to perform work in the CIS.

There are a few options on how to do this:

You can register as a corporation online through the “Government Gateway” or over the phone by calling HMRC’s CIS hotline and providing your UTR, your company’s UTR, and personal information such your National Insurance number and, if applicable, your VAT number.  You will shortly receive a confirmation from HMRC. Then, if you are self-employed or conducting business as a corporation, you must provide your UTR, company UTR, and NI number to your contractor when they engage you.  Then, your Contractor checks your CIS status online.  Additionally, they take 20% tax from your invoice (minus VAT and materials) if you are registered. They should deduct 30% if you aren’t signed up for the CIS programme.

Any CIS tax deducted from your income tax, corporation tax, or any PAYE/NI payments you may have made as an employer is credited when you file your tax return.


As a subcontractor, there are other options available to Register for CIS. You can sign up for the Gross Payments Scheme by phone or online. If your annual revenue exceeds £30,000 (or £30,000 per partner in a partnership or director of your company), which will allow your contractors to pay you without deducting CIS tax, which can significantly improve your cash flow.

Second, contractors must sign up for the CIS programme.

When you or your accountant register for PAYE, this frequently happens.  Simply tick the box next to the question “Will you be engaging any subcontractors in the Construction Industry” to indicate yes.

Call the CIS helpdesk and explain that you need to register as a Contractor under the CIS programme but that you are already registered for PAYE if you have previous enrollment for PAYE before becoming a contractor.  Your PAYE reference and UTR number are required, and after that, HMRC may easily update their system to complete the registration. You must become familiar with the methods for verifying subcontractors, computing the CIS tax, reporting the data to HMRC every month, and recording payments to subcontractors.

Process After One Register for CIS

The contractor should withhold and deduct tax from your invoices at a rate of 20% if you want to register for CIS. If your invoice includes direct expenditures like materials or tool rental, tax shouldn’t be deducted from these sums; instead, you should receive full payment for these charges without any CIS deductions.

The contractor then pays the 20% deduction to HMRC, which treats it as a payment in advance for your income tax and National Insurance payments (NIC) for the specific tax year as indicated by your Self Assessment tax return. You can register as a subcontractor and apply for gross payment status at the same time.

The remainder of your invoice, or 80% of it, is subsequently paid to you directly following the agreed-upon terms of your invoice, including the entire amount of any additional charges, such as materials.

Wrapping Up

The benefit of CIS registration is that if you choose not to register, the contractor will only remove 20% of your pay rather than 30%. Additionally, if you Register for CIS and your tax affairs are current, you can apply to HMRC for gross payment status, allowing the contractor to pay you in whole for all bills without any deductions.

For contractors trying to make managing their subcontractors and CIS responsibilities as straightforward as possible, turning to commercial CIS software is their best option. Additionally, although some commercial CIS software may only assist with CIS tasks, others like our service here at Financial Chronicles strive to do more for the business owner.

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